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Daily Horoscope For You

A Horoscope is a person's Birth Chart or Natal Chart. The construction of the horoscope is based on the Ptolemaic system, in which the earth is stationary and the heavenly bodies move around it in fixed patterns. It divides the heavens into twelve sections, each ruled by a different sign of the zodiac based on the mythological characteristics of the heavenly bodies (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces). It is a figurative analysis of the positions of all the planets and constellations in the zodiac viewed from a specific place at any exact moment in time.

It provides predictions of the personality and destiny of each individual based on those astronomical positions at the moment and place of birth of that person. The format of a horoscope, prepared as a table, can differ from country to country as well as from culture to culture.

Horoscope literally means 'hour scope'. There is also a transit chart based on day-to-day or future positions of heavenly bodies. The basic birth chart is subjected to these angles of the planets telling future events for the person. The moon stays in each sign for two and one-half days and is the foundation of transit astrology. During its stay, it reflects the qualities of a sign in moods and behaviors in everyday things and is the theme of dreams while sleeping.

Astrology has existed for thousands of years. Most sciences and religions rejected its principles hundreds of years ago, but millions of people continue to believe in or practice it.



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